Let The Good Times Roll
Have you ever had one of those days where you wake up and you just know its gonna be a good day? Man do those days rock!! I woke up this morning at 6, like I do everyday, but I really didn't feel like getting up. I didn't even mean to, but i fell back asleep for about an hour. I woke and and looked at the clock and was like "OH SHIT!!!" I got in the shower got dressed and all that good stuff. Got out of here at about 7:32. I took a gamble this morning on getting to school. My car was below empty on gas. The fuel light came on about half way down Capital Ave. I was like WTF?!?!?! How can you wake up and feel like the day is excellent and run out of gas? Well, the old luck of the Irish pulled through on the Cutlass. Now all I had to do was hit up someone for five bucks so I could get home. Get into school and give Matt the Republican National Convention I taped for him, he had to do some PNN crap with it. Made it seem like it was a big favor and that I went through hell and high water to get it. It was no biggee, but I'll keep that in mind if I ever need a new kidney or any other organ...another thing I realized today is that I need to buy one of those kick ass giant belt buckles. I was hangin around with Wood when I noticed his, those things are sooooo bad. About this time, I was invited to go play in a volleyball game over the weekend, I am there. No question about it, I am a volleyball master!!! bump, set, spike...score one for the Ewok. After school, got five bucks from the Dill (thanks hot stuff) Put seven dollars of gas in my car and it gave me half a tank. I love my car...its a P.O.S, but it does me good. The last exciting thing I did for the day was hang out at the Root Beer stand. It was a good time, got to hang out with the guys. It was even cooler though cause Susie and Lauren were with us. It would've been a good time without them, but they made it that much better. Hey Lauren, you looked really nice today (but then again, when don't you?) Ah...its always nice seein her beautiful smiling face. Doesn't matter what she says though, sophomores don't have a chance against us in Powder Puff. THEY'RE GOIN DOWN!!!! Good times, good times. Think I might have to do some Rock N' Bowl action over the weekend to keep the good times rolling in. Alright, I'm gonna get back to my English homework. Gotta get this crap done, wouldn't want to be Scherminated now would I???
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