Friday, May 06, 2005

PBA Day In May: Part Deux + Thursday

Alright, so here I am back in my void. Since I’m here I figured I would go ahead and write about all the stuff I was going to write about since the last time I was stuck here. I meant to come back from lunch on Wednesday and finish up my thought process, but as you may have noticed, that didn’t happen. I have a lot of stuff I can talk about too. This may take a little longer than I envisioned it.

Back tracking to the PBA Day, it was pretty much the most pointless day I’ve had in a while. I mean breakfast was good and all, but just the school part of it is meaningless. I have 2 classes that I go to and then homeroom and this void. That made it even more of a bore. I mean seeing as we have 3rd block for the full time period, and I have no class during 3rd block. Looking back on it now, I just should’ve stayed home and came to 4th block only. Then I rethink and realize that if I just would’ve stayed home, I wouldn’t have seen anybody and I just would’ve ended up being bored anyway. Speaking of staying home from school, this whole May 10th thing at school is freakin stupid. Personally, I don’t think that anybody is going to shoot up the school. I think this could be a couple of things. 1: This is a really retarded senior prank by the same person that called a bomb threat on the school. B: Maybe some kid had a project or something they had to present on the 10th and they overdid the excuse not to. Or: This is real, and some student is being a douche and lashing out at the school because they hate themselves. I highly doubt the or part. And yes I do realize that I said 1 and then B. If anything does go down on the 10th though, I blame it on video games (sarcasm). Yea, I think half the school is staying home, so why not join the club? I guess Ian made a shirt or is making. If they look cool I might have to have him make one for me. Just so I can say…yea…I was there. Though I won’t be.

Now get this, I’ve been thinking about quitting Le Peep for a long time running now. I mean I like the place, the food is good, the people I work with are cool. The problem was that the pay sucked ass and that I think my boss is a total hard on. She’s just too strict about the dumbest crap, and I just don’t like her. Well, I was supposed to go to work on Saturday and Sunday. I called Peg Saturday morning and told her that I wouldn’t be able to work. She went on a huge rant about how everyone at work needs to be more responsible and take responsibility for their actions, blah, blah. The whole time I’m just nodding my head over the phone, yup, yup, mmhmm, yea. She was just pissed because now she has to call someone to fill in for me, Anyway, that ended that. Then Sunday I was not available once again. Knowing that Peg would call, I asked my brother to relay a message to her. That I was going to come in Wednesday morning and quit. Well, this obviously don’t go over well with el skank. I come to school Monday and I see Adam. He starts laughing and then he says I’m just kidding Brandon, I’m sorry. I’m thinking, for what? Well, I come to find out that I was fired. Personally, that is crap. I mean who in the hell fires you for wanting to quit? I don’t care. I guess according to Shoup, she doesn’t want me using her as a reference either. Whatever, I don’t think writing down I was a bus boy will help me anywhere in life anyway. I don’t even consider it a job, no offense to the guys I used to work with. You’re all still cool. Peg’s a whore.

I finally got to spend some time with Theresa yesterday. She always has so much homework to do and babysitting and what not. She never has time to do anything. But, yesterday she had time. I thought that was awesome. We just kinda chilled in my room for a couple of hours. I won’t go into detail, I’m sure no one wants to hear about it. We did watch comedy central for a while. Had some laughs and yea…good times. I’ve been giving it some thought, and maybe I should just start doing some of her homework so she has time to spend with me. Is that being selfish? I think it may be, but I don’t care. I want to spend more time with her in person. I mean talking on the phone until 1 or 2 in the morning is awesome, but its just not the same. Alright anyone who doesn’t like mush or sensitivity don’t read the next sentence. I mean you can’t hold someone over the phone. I can’t look her in the eyes and smile for no reason at all. Just because of the fact that she’s there. You can kiss someone over the phone, but its not the same. Its just a sound. That’s pretty gay.

I’m not done, but now lunch and…lunch. I have more to say, it will be said later today. Maybe. Peace out biznotches.


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