Sunday, February 06, 2005

Bloody Sunday

I would start out by saying that I woke up this morning, but I just kind of layed in bed for hours. I eventually rolled out of bed and got ready for work. I didn't have to be there until 10 but I got there at 9:30. It was a really dull day. Had some laughs with Shoup and Andy like we always do. Its really starting to suck because I'm not working at all. When I started I Le Peep I knew that I would only be working two days a week. But now, they have only been scheduling me to work on Sundays. I don't think a bi-weekly check of $50 is gonna cut it. I've got to find a new job.

I won't be able to work next week because of the Ben Kweller/Ben Folds concert we're going to. Thats alright though, I'd rather go to a concert than work. I think its gonna be a pretty entertaining time. Plus, you've got all of the things you have to factor in. The drive up down there, the concert itself, the hotel room, and the drive back home. Its gonna be like D.C. all over again. I don't know if Dan's gonna stay in the hotel room with us though. He might bum the night in George's dorm at Purdue. This is one of those times where I need to bring a camera. I think form now on I'm just going to bring a camera with me everywhere I go. I'll be like Dave Attell and just take pictures of random stuff.

The doctors still aren't sure whats wrong with my mom. I'm sorry, but in this day and age of technology someone should have at least a guess as to whats wrong with her. Its bullshit. Just because doctors are too god damn lazy to actually do anything on the weekends. Heaven forbid that they might actually save someones life on a weekend if it came down to it. What pisses me off even more is they get paid to just loaf around on the weekends. Don't get me wrong I know they work hard and stuff, but why should they just putz out on the off days. Seriously. Shes going to see a neurologist tomorrow. Shes been having a lot of seizures latey. They're not the normal kind either. They're more...violent...painful. Hopefully the only thing wrong with her is just a pinched nerve or something along those lines. Shes at a stable condition right now. I'm in a state of relaxation. For now.

I tinkered around on my guitar today and on Tabit. I've been writing a lot of songs lately. I'm weird like that. I can play guitar and bass pretty good, but I'm a lot better at hearing things in my head. don't want to sound like a nutcase or anything, but I hear music in my head all the time. Its a lot of made up things too. Lyrics, bass lines, guitar riffs, drum beats, all of it. Thats why I love Tabit. I hear something and I can comprehend it into being. I'm glad that I'm enough of a nerd to know how to write music with a computer program, yet still be able to actually play some of it. The only problem is that I want to show some people my songs, but the only way I can show them is if I either install it on their computer or they come over to my house and listen. No one ever comes over to my house though...kind of sad.

Went to Ryan's house tonight to check out the Super Bowl. At work I was talkin with the guys about how it was going to be a suck ass game. The Eagles blow for one, and two The Patriots win too much. They're like the Lakers of football. Just dominate everything and let no one else have the glory. Thats what the games about though right, being the best. You can't hate someone for being good at what they do. I have to say though, for not liking either team it was a very good game. I was just looking forward to the preview episode of American Dad afterwards. Its the new cartoon by Seth McFarlane, creator of Family Guy. Which is on as we speak. I'm going to go check it out and post a poem or song or something along those lines. Wee Woo.


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