Thursday, May 26, 2005

No..No..No..Terrorists Drink Fanta

Hello viewers out there in TV land…wait a minute this thing isn’t a TV!! Where am I?

Not a whole lot going on as of late Yesterday I went to go fill out some more job applications so that I can find a pretty sweet full time job over the summer. Everybody asks me why I want a full time job. I don’t care that I will be working all the time, its not that big of a deal. I mean I can still find plenty of time to do stuff that I want to do in my free time. Plus I think that the money is totally worth it. Seeing as I’m 18 I figured its about time I quit mooching off my parents and finally start living. I have given it some thought and I really, really want to get the hell out of my house. Nothing has changed, everyday I come home I get bitched at by my parents about anything and everything under the sun. Our sun, that is, not any other suns in some far off galaxy somewhere. I am just sick of it. To just keep it blunt and to the point, kind of like a rapier, I just want to get a full time job so I can make mucho dinero and get the hell out of there. I have noticed over the years that I have a “problem” if you will with doing whatever I please. That’s gotten me in trouble on multiple occasions, but I take full responsibility for all of my actions and I never do something unless I think about the consequences first. That usually doesn’t stop me. I don’t know what anyone else’s input is, but I have been talking about it with my brother and if I do find a nice full time job we’re just going to go ahead and find a cheap house to rent or an apartment. That’s the magical thing about siblings. You don’t really appreciate how much you do for each other until you’re older and realize how cool they can be. I wouldn’t mind living with him, we get along really well and he needs me anyway for comic relief. I’m just trying to think ahead into how I can make the best of things right now.

After I filled out some applications, I went with Ryan and Dan to Wings. I pulled a Horwarth and just got a Pepsi. This time it was twice as bad though because not only did I just get a pop, I didn’t even pay for it myself. I had Dan pick it up for me. Its things like that when I realize that I wish I could conjure money like some sort of wizard…a money wizard. But alas, I am but a wee little man in a vast world of economics. We had some pretty interesting conversations, as we always do. We got into a discussion how I believe Pepsi is better than Coke. Don’t get me wrong, I believe that, as a company, Coke is better than Ezra…I mean Pepsi. As a drink though, I’m a Pepsi guy. Then Dan called me a terrorist for drinking Pepsi, that segwayed into how terrorist drink Fanta and that the dancing chicks in the commercial are leading terrorists. It got crazy. After that we went back to Dan’s house and played some Monopoly. I don’t understand why, but as of late I have been in a major slump when it comes to monopolizing. My monopolopicism skills just haven’t come up to par. Its just the roll of the dice I guess. Either that or Uncle Pennybags is aware of my mad monopolocizing skills and he won’t allow me to win. That rich old coot, I’d like to monopolate his ass.

As of today, Theresa and I have been going out for 1 month. w()()t. I myself couldn’t be more happy about it. I do have to figure out something though, I want to get her something but I don’t know what. I am going to get her some flowers, and I’m sure some jewelry would be nice. The only problem is the whole conjuring aspect. I can get the flowers no problem, I mean look around, they’re everywhere. It’s the other what not that’s going to put my balls in a vice grip. I’ll figure it out, I always do. That’s all for now folks. My void of time on this day has run out. Tune in tomorrow for full coverage of the Michael Jackson trial and whether or not he is officially a pedophile. Yea…I’m not really gonna do that. He’s a pedophile regardless. Stay tuned to the next episode of Leave It To Horbag.


At 4:38 PM, Blogger Booch said...

Its still at debate what terrorists drink, I get them and Liberals confused all the time.


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