Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Let It Snow

Well, this is kind of weird. Really not used to getting snow the day before Thanksgiving. But hey, I'm not complaining I love the snow. I'd rather be freezing cold than warm any day. The only time I like being warm is when I'm cuddled up with a beautiful laday...then its ok to be warm. Besides that, yea I like being cold. Plus what is more fun than the snow? Seriously. You can fight with it, make angels in it, go to the bathroom in it, eat it...hopefully not in that order, or else you're eating some pretty nasty snow. But, one could argue that it also has its downfalls, its cold, wet, you have to break your back shoveling it off the driveway (trust me, it sucks a lot more when you really do have a broken back), driving in it and hitting a patch of black ice and totaling your car. But what are the odds of that? I think the only thing I really hate about snow is when it gets on your clothes, melts, then leaves you all wet and smelly like...wet clothes. You know that smell? I hate it. Besides that, snow kicks ass. Plus it puts me in a really happy mood for some reason. It makes me feel all jolly and gay. I mean REALLY GAY!!! A lot of people tell me I'm not gay, oh but I am. I am the gayest man alive!!! I'm sorry, I had to have a little play on words in there. Two days away from going to the movies with Caitlin. Truth be known I don't know what we're going to see. Cause rest assured I won't be paying any attention to the movie. If you catch my drift...I mean could you pay attention to a movie if YOU had an angel sitting next to you. Didn't think so. Alright I'm done for now, I've expressed whats on my mind. IBeing the kind person that I am, I'll leave you with a little Thanksgiving...erm...Eve present. DUN DUN DUN...RANDOM THOUGHTS!!

Has anyone ever noticed how easy it is to cross your legs when you wear those really slippery sweat pants?

I just looked at my feet in a full length mirror and god you guys must think I'm an asshole...

I have decided that people that refuse to check baggage when flying were once, and could possibly still be, bed wetters.

If I could fly, I always wonder if I would still drive early in the morning time. I mean, I don't even like to do 10 pushups...let alone flap my freakin arms up and down 2000 times per second.

Don't you hate it when someone spits in your eye during a feel like you are doing something wrong when you wipe it out, so sometimes you wait a second...this means you have forgotten to listen to them and have been consumed by a small bit of salivated that is now drying in your eye...when this happens to me, I sometimes hock a loogy and fire at right in the persons mouth, just do buy some time to dry the eye...

Here are a few things I hate...
• Guys, even bald guys, that don't use shampoo. For some reason that pisses me off.

• People that cross their arms, but without crossing them. They just fold one OVER the other. One hand grabs a rib, the other, an elbow. If you have ever done this in a photo, I hope you are happy with yourself.
• Guys who say bro AND dude. I think a choice needs to be made here.
• Drunk people when I am sober.
• Tall guys on the front row of anything, unless I am not paying attention to what it is they are watching.
• Short girls BEHIND tall guys that complain about not being able to see, instead of moving to a less vertically challenged spot.
• People that work in the food industry, but think they are meteorologists.
• People who climb things for no reason.
• Waiters that sit down at the table with you while taking your order.
• People in their mid twenties that still hate someone they haven't seen since high school.
• Myself when I say stupid shit.
• Dentists.
• Hemorrhoids.
• Cars that look like shoes.
• Drivers that shift lanes more than their quota, which is basically based on my feelings at that particular moment.
• The fact that french fries are so bad for us, but are served with, and go well with, fucking everything.
• Mice...even that little Mickey.....I hate mice....Stuart Little is cool, but I think just cause he doesn't act like an asshole to the cat.....oh and he sounds like Michael J. fFox when he talks
• Red Bull....
• Basketballs that don't quite have enough air to bounce right, but do have enough to look inviting to those who like to bounce balls.
• People that speak their mind.....I really think we should keep more bottled up as a society


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